hard-coded - definição. O que é hard-coded. Significado, conceito
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O que (quem) é hard-coded - definição

Hardcoding; Hard coded; Hardcoded; Hard code; Hard-coded; Hardcode; Hard-coding; Hardcoded value; Hard coded value; Hard coded values; Hardcoded values; Hard-coded value; Hard-coded values

Hard coding         
Hard coding (also hard-coding or hardcoding) is the software development practice of embedding data directly into the source code of a program or other executable object, as opposed to obtaining the data from external sources or generating it at runtime. Hard-coded data typically can only be modified by editing the source code and recompiling the executable, although it can be changed in memory or on disk using a debugger or hex editor.
<jargon> (By analogy with "hard-wired") Said of a data value or behaviour written directly into a program, possibly in multiple places, where it cannot be easily modified. There are several alternatives, depending on how often the value is likely to change. It may be replaced with a compile-time constant, such as a C "#define" macro, in which case a change will still require recompilation; or it may be read at run time from a profile, resource (see de-rezz), or environment variable that a user can easily modify; or it may be read as part of the program's input data. To change something hard-coded requires recompilation (if using a compiled language of course) but, more seriously, it requires sufficient understanding of the implementation to be sure that the change will not introduce inconsistency and cause the program to fail. For example, "The line terminator is hard-coded as newline; who in their right mind would use anything else?" See magic number. [Jargon File] (1999-10-18)
Hard (Zürich)         
  • Hard and ''Hardau'' buildings as seen from [[Uetliberg]] (November 2013)
Hard (Zuerich); Hard (Zurich); Zürich-Hard
Hard is a quarter in the district 4 of Zürich. It was formerly a part of Aussersihl municipality, which was incorporated into Zürich in 1893.


Hard coding

Hard coding (also hard-coding or hardcoding) is the software development practice of embedding data directly into the source code of a program or other executable object, as opposed to obtaining the data from external sources or generating it at runtime. Hard-coded data typically can only be modified by editing the source code and recompiling the executable, although it can be changed in memory or on disk using a debugger or hex editor. Data that are hard-coded is best for unchanging pieces of information, such as physical constants, version numbers and static text elements. Softcoded data, on the other hand, encode arbitrary information through user input, text files, INI files, HTTP server responses, configuration files, preprocessor macros, external constants, databases, command-line arguments, and are determined at runtime.

Exemplos de pronúncia para hard-coded
1. And now it's hard coded.
Dataclysm _ Christian Rudder _ Talks at Google
2. into really hard-coded stuff.
Livewired - The Inside Story of the Ever-Changing Brain _ David Eagleman _ Talks at Google
3. The time is hard-coded in.
Archaeological Computing Evolution _ Dominic Powlesland _ Talks at Google
4. of your life experience is hard coded.
How to Be Inspirational _ Mohnish Pabrai & Guy Spier _ Talks at Google
5. If it was hard-coded switch, we had
Open Source Chrome Browser Mission _ Jay Trimble _ Talks at Google